10 Laws of Social Media

If you’re interested in managing a brand’s social media presence or increasing the engagement on your personal social media accounts, there are 10 basic laws you must abide by to succeed!


Rule 1: Listening

Social media is a two-way street. Take the time to join in with the discussion and learn what is important to your audience.

Rule 2: Focus

Build consistent and focused content across all of the social media platforms that you use or risk diluting your brand.

Rule 3: Quality

Quality > Quantity. What’s a high follower count without engagement?!

Rule 4: Patience

It requires both time and commitment to see success on social media.

Rule 5: Compounding

Quality content leads to quality followers, which results in word-of-mouth promotion!

Rule 6: Influencer

Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand. Connect with those people and work to build relationships with them.

Rule 7: Value

Don’t just sell your product. Give your customers a variety of interesting content that adds value to them, which will create brand loyalty.

Rule 8: Acknowledgement

Show your audience you care by acknowledging them! Quickly addressing their questions, concerns and suggestions will make them feel valuable to your brand.

Rule 9: Accessibility

Consistency is key! Followers won’t hesitate to replace you if you disappear for weeks or months.

Rule 10: Reciprocity

Return the love! Like, comment and share other people’s content! *Make sure this content is similar to your brand so you can appear in the “recommended” list.

Following these 10 easy, but time consuming laws will help increase your overall social media engagement. So get out there and get started! 

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